Paragon Game Stats
paragon game stats

Special thanks to for creating it and modifying with me.Casual Smite project aims to deliver up-to-date stats for all game modes in Smite. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 For the last 6 months since big warrior overhaul I've been using this spec with minor macro changes, it's simple to play cause it's 1button and makes insane dps in right circumstances(tho even without those special circumstances it pulls high dps nonetheless). Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Fandoms League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends.

Resource Cost Reduction: 0.2 per point, maximum of 10 cost reduction. The current stats in the live game are: Area Damage: +1 per point, max of +50. 2015 Season Paragon joined Winterfox as their coach in January 2015, prior to the start of the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split.-Paragon Alacrity,Rising Waterfall,UnleashedNameRankBRPlay TimeMember SinceOnline1BuGoLTCore10552d 20h 54m20161129 04:26 PMNo2Clouder80Recruit130d 11h 34m20181225 03:19 AMNo3CyberSpudExecutive Officer678d 10h 34m20210831 09:26 AMNoView 16 more rowsParagon point options were shuffled between the tabs and some were removed or replaced during development. Paragon left the team about a month later.

Paragon Game Stats Free To Use

(On Tarjula your Retaliation will mainly hit the fiery voids which don't care about it and fake dps)Eteral Strikes seems to have gotten a ninjafix as they procced on passive Retaliation a month ago - which might have procced leg Flame Spear.Once we find a way to make Flame Spear tick the numbers from the tooltip this might be something to look for-Etheral Strikes make really bigger burst, but it goes so much up and down that i only use it for aoe (clering trash mobs) in longer than 4min fight isn't really beneficial-Flamespear just hits less, in theory makes sense in practice not, unless my gear and missing 4 frags make that difference Since you don't play para to minmax, i thought about the situations where this bad boy comes at had. Try Flame Spear!On longer fights you want to go with Steady Strikes as it increases all dmg and Retaliation greatly benefits form it.For maximum Paragon Burst potential you go Ethereal Strikes.(Not only is it on equal 3-4% total as Deliberate Strikes- which only really is useful on horrible gear - Eteral Strikes also is a beast on Sweeping Blades)But furthermore does the damage from Eteral Strikes procc Flame Spear again making it 7-8% total damage quickly.I got 1.2mil hits from Flame Spear average in 3 mins (dummy)As for refreshing Flame Spear every 10 seconds: Your Alacrity has stacks which takes every pressure from you maxing it's potential while Retaliation takes care about getting Rising Waterfall out.->leg Flame Spear on 61para 11rb 4pala -> refresh Flame Spear after REtaliation granted youa Rising Waterfall for minimum gcd loss.For a nice and bursty variant with a little better disconnect (in tdem etc) you can go 61Para 15Rb 0TempestAs not all encounter radiate damage or doing that very slow/ uncontrolled. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Note: For best performance go to settings-action bars-set full ability queue(this is not pvp, so feel free to use break free in macro-enjoy! )Always open up with 1x Setting Moon (to apply Precise Strikes), then just spam macroAnd every time you have Grasping the horizon on cd you can go in range 15m, so no problem with disconnect, but you won't be able to cast Retaliation while in range cause it's not affected by this ability.Note 2: For certain someone, retaliation stacks cause of legendary UnleashedNice seeing more and more people on your paragon instead of tempest!The 61 mastery 61 shieldwall makes Retaliation refresh AggressiveBlock (which increases the dmg from Retaliation by 5%) and that way Aggressive Block may only needs to be cast once.Riftblade: Since you are refreshing Icy burst once a second the legendary bonus barely takes real effect while icy stays on 1-2 combopoints and mainly proccs Scald. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021.

At this point i tinkered around Retaliationa nd leg Flame Spear but leg Icy Burst + Flame Spear comes out on top requiring >15Points Riftblade. Making Retaliation only taking effect as direct hit neglects the legendary bonus of it. All of them have short and fragmented fights with disconnects while barely any of those encounters really radiates damage.

paragon game stats

Atm i see it as a beginner friendly spec being not that afk as Tempest/ Reaver and a warmup for RB/ WL.Before first entering raids and planning to go 61 paragon in irotp 1-3 plese take a look at Warlord as it grants many opporunities to make up for bad gear.//Late edit: The performance of Rising Waterfall and all it's dependent proccs is insanely random - so expect to do a couple parses until you get an average number. Would have been one hell of a combination.//Late edit: Just found out Ethereal Strikes and Leggy Flame spear is around for a while now with a different priority setup(61para 9rb 6temp?). Not sure about it - seems to have gotten a ninjafix. Atm i am having both specs.I think i can remember leg Retaliation proccing Ethereal Strikes a month back.

paragon game statsparagon game stats